Monday, December 6, 2010

One of my Earliest Memories/ Blog #3

  Well there lots of memories that I have from when I was younger.  The majority of them are quite funny.  So I will choose of my favorites.
   One day after lunch it was time for me to take a nap.  So I headed up to parents room to partake of my nap in their bed. Every time I went into their bed I like trying to find the feathers sticking out of their feather pillow.  Well this one time I decided to see how many I could pull out.  So I was up their just tugging away at the feathers and throwing them on the floor.  After awhile I realized that I had made a huge mess, so I got out of bed and shoved them under the bed.  When my parents came to check on me they saw a few feathers on the floor, as they bent down to pick them up they saw the whole jackpot of them hidden under the bed.  Well you can probably guess what I had to do next.  They made me pick up every last feather and put them in the garbage can.
       That was one mistake I never made again.